”Hii everyone! I'm Emma (@emmaleeftnog) and I am very excited to be a supervisor this year! I am a person with too many hobbies, and playing around with media is one of my favorite things. I can help you with podcasts, writing your script, or anything to do with music. I'm looking forward to it!”
Emma likes being creative and has gained media knowledge over the past few years through Studio M and her internship at the Eye Film museum. She is most experienced in podcasts, acting/theatre and writing scenarios and music.

“Heyyy, I am Congrong Jiang, an open-minded person who respects diversity and loves discussions. <3”
Congrong doesn’t have clear preferences for a type of media but likes film and games especially. She would like to get involved with media productions and would love to create more multinational media projects.

"Hi, my name is Bart (@bart_costeris) and I’d describe myself as someone who’s calm and collected, besides that I like helping other people and enjoy meeting new individuals"
Bart is specialized in audiovisual media, mostly film. He has done production work and is an intern at a film producer where he also functions as a film festival coordinator. As a project supervisor, he would like to come up with ideas and conceptualize them, or help people set up their own production.

"I love telling stories that we can make an impact through visual media!”
Derin has minored in game studies and interned at a company with VR installations, but you can also come to him for his expertise in (animation) film and television.

Hi! I’m Silke (@silk.ey), I’m a media and culture student who really loves movies and podcasts. Can’t wait to see yours!
Silke would love to learn a lot about different media and has experience of her own in musical theatre and redaction work.

”Hi my name is Bente (@bentevandenbergh); slightly chaotic but always in a way that everything works out and we can laugh about it in the end”
Bente is specialized in theatre and dance and has experience with drama classes and school plays. As a project supervisor she would like to provide input and advice and keep track of everything project related.